CRA Benefits Payment Dates 2025: Provincial, Territorial Benefit Schedule


The CRA had launched various types of benefits across the Canada from all their eligible residents. These benefits are launched by the CRA to provide some financial support to all their residents who are financially weak. The government of CRA will pay the beneficiary amount of these benefits to the permanent resident of Canada. Different types of beneficiary plans are running across the country depending on the age of the applicants and other eligibility required for the benefits. The payment will be made by the CRA monthly or yearly depending on the benefits. An updated schedule for the CRA Benefits Payment Dates 2025 has been released by the CRA. All the beneficiaries can get all the updates from the board website. To be aware of all the relevant information of Canada Benefits Payment Schedule 2025 all Canadians need to pay attention in reading the whole article as in the article we have mentioned all the relevant details about the benefits. 

CRA Benefits Payment Dates 2025

Several beneficiary programmes are running across the Canada for all age group citizens of canada by the CRA. for all the beneficiaries of this programme on the date which is decided by the government the payment will be made by the government. The payment will be made by the government as per the benefit in which they are eligible to get the benefit. These benefits include some Provincial, Territorial Benefits too. The benefits which are provided by the CRA to all Canadians are Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, GST/HST, CCB, OTB, ACWB, ACFB etc. The brief details about the payment dates are mentioned below. You can check the dates for 2025 below. The government launched this beneficiary plan to provide financial support to all their individuals and citizens so they can improve their living standards and can improve their livelihood. To get the benefit of these payments all the Canadians are required to match the criteria of eligibility determined by the authority for these plans. 

CRA Benefits Payment Dates 2025

Canada Benefits Payment Schedule 2025- Overview

Article Name CRA Benefits Payment Dates 2025
Launched by CRA
Payments of Benefits and credits
Beneficiary All canadian individual
Year 2025
Country Canada 
Eligible age All age group 
Beneficiary amount Deposited into the bank account 
Dates Different for each benefit 
Category Finance
Official website

Canada Pension Plan Payment Date 2024

CPP is a benefit in which a beneficiary amount will be paid every month. The amount which will be paid by the government under the CPP will be taxable for all the beneficiaries. Canada Pension Plan replaces a part of your income when you retire. CPP is a pension plan which will be payable from the date on which you get retired and till the rest of the whole life of the beneficiary.

The official date of retirement across Canada is 65 years but if an individual completes their age of 60 years they will be eligible to get the benefit of this CPP payments. The candidates must have made a valid contribution in the cpp throughout their whole life. The valid contribution which is made by the Canadian citizen in the Canada Pension Plan account can be from the money they received from the work they did in the Canada or from the amount they received from their former partner, common law partner while breaking up the relationship. 

CPP Payment Schedule 2025
29th January, 2025
26th February, 2025
27th March, 2025
28th April, 2025
28th May, 2025
26th June, 2025
29th July, 2025
27th August, 2025
25th September, 2025
29th October, 2025
26th November, 2025
22nd December, 2025

Old Age Security Payment Schedule 2025

To all the eligible Canadians a beneficiary amount will be paid by the CRA under the OAS which is a pension plan introduced by the CRA. The authority will not consider citizen’s employment history when determining their eligibility because both Canadians who are now employed and those who have never worked will be deemed eligible to receive Old Age Security payments. The candidate must complete their age of 65 years to get the benefit of this OAS pension plan. Candidates who are living in Canada must live in Canada for at least 10 years and Canadians who live outside India must reside in Canada for at least 20 years after completing their age of 18 years. Candidates must be Canadian citizens or legal residents of Canada at the time their Old Age Security pension application was approved or the day before they left the country.

OAS Payment Date 2025
29th January, 2025
26th February, 2025
27th March, 2025
28th April, 2025
28th May, 2025
26th June, 2025
29th July, 2025
27th August, 2025
25th September, 2025
29th October, 2025
26th November, 2025
22nd December, 2025

GST & HST Benefits Payment Dates 2025

GST & HST is a tax fee credit in which quarterly payment will be made by the CRA. in this benefit the CRA will pay a fixed amount to all the low or modest income families of Canada so that they paid for the GST & HST can be offsets. The eligibility criteria is required to be fulfilled by the Canadians to get the payment of the GST & HST. to be the beneficiary of this benefit Canadians do not need to do any paperwork as they will be automatically enrolled to get the payment of GST & HST at the time they are filing the taxes. If they are under the age of 19 years they must match at least one who must have a spouse or common law partner or you are living with a child or you are a parent. The beneficiary must be a Canadian resident according to the tax purpose.  

GST & HST Payment Date 2025
03rd January, 2025
4th April, 2025
4th July, 2025
3rd October, 2025

Canada Child Benefit Payment Date 2025

CCB is a benefit which is introduced by the CRA. The payment which will be received by the beneficiary under the CCB will be a tax free benefit. Canada Child Benefit is provided by the CRA to all those families who have a child under the age of 18 years so that the poor and low income families of Canada so the cost of raising the child can be bear by these families. To get the payment of this Canada Child Benefit the beneficiary needs to match the criteria of eligibility determined by the authority for this plan. The beneficiary must be a primary responsible person for upbringing or caring for the child.

CCB Payment Date 2025
20th January, 2025
20th February, 2025
20th March, 2025
17th April, 2025
20th May, 2025
20th June, 2025
18th July, 2025
20th August, 2025
19th September, 2025
20th October, 2025
20th November, 2025
12th December, 2025

OTB Benefits Payment Schedule 2025

A joint payment has been introduced by the CRA which includes the payment of Northern Ontario Credit, Ontario Energy & property Tax Credit, and Ontario Sales tax Credit. The annual payment of Ontario will be divided by the CRA by 12 and the payment will be made monthly. The payment which will be made by the CRA under theOntario Trillium Benefit payment will be based on the income tax return of 2023. The payment will be made on 10th of every month. 

Ontario Trillium Benefit Payment Date 2025
10th January, 2025
10th February, 2025
10th March, 2025
10th April, 2025
9th May, 2025
10th June, 2025
10th July, 2025
8th August, 2025
10th September, 2025
10th October, 2025
10th November, 2025
10th December, 2025

Advanced Canada Workers Benefit Payment Dates 2025

The payment you will get under the ACWB benefits will be dependent on the income and province or territory in which you live. Both the base amount and the disability supplement amount will be used to pay the amount. The refundable tax credit is available to all people and families who are over the age of 19 and whose income falls below the net income level determined by the Canadian government.

Canada ACWB Payment Schedule 2025
10th January, 2025
11th July, 2025
10th October, 2025

ACFB Benefits Payment Dates 2025

The CRA will pay the Alberta child and family benefit amount to all those families having children below 10 years. According to the adjusted net annual family income the amount of the benefit will be paid by the CRA. 

Alberta child and family Benefit Payment Schedule 2025
27th February, 2025
27th May 2025
27th August, 2025
27th November, 2025

FAQS Related To CRA Benefits Payment Dates 2025

When will be CPP Payment January 2025 released?

As per the schedule released by the CRA Canada Pension Plan Benefit January 2025 will be released on 29th January, 2025

What is OTB Benefits Payment Date Jan 2025

Ontario trillum Benefit payments will be deposited to the cra accounts of the beneficiaries on 10th January, 2025

Kiran Iyer

Kiran Is a full time content creator on, She has experience of 7.5 Years in this field. She has been writing and editing content ever since. She has expertise in Finance and News articles as she has done her graduation mass media and communications.

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